Originally published on Mirror.ie
Motivation Weight Management: Molly Agnew shifted a whopping FIVE stone after vowing to lose weight on New Year’s Day last year.
It’s that time of year when we’re all on a New Year’s Resolution buzz and at this stage we’ll be in the honeymoon period where we are rigidly sticking to the promises we made on January 1.
And the good news is that many of us who made a resolution in 2014 have managed to keep it.
According to a new poll, more than half of us who make a resolution will keep it.
And one of those who stayed strong is 22-year-old Molly Agnew.
Molly, from Blackrock, South Dublin, decided to lose weight on January 1 2014 and she has managed to change her life in the space of just 12 months.
After years of yoyo dieting and abandoning her good intentions when the January Blues set in, Molly decided enough was enough.
She said: “I didn’t even know I was overeating – I’d eat and would not think about it. I knew I had a problem sticking to things. Each year having resolved to lose the weight, come week three in January I’d have broken my new regime.
“But this time I really felt determined and was upset about the weight I had put on. I had never been so big before and was very unhappy not to feel fit and healthy. I did my research and decided to sign up to Motivation Weight Management in early 2014 to get their support.”
At this stage Molly has lost 5 stone* and is feeling fitter, healthier and happier.
She said: “People don’t recognise me now – I look like a completely different person, I threw out my whole wardrobe and I’m enjoying buying clothes, doing girlie things like dressing up to go out – just being a woman.
“Shopping had been a nightmare experience I hated, now I just love it.”
It’s just so good to be on the other side of the weight issue, now I can get on with my life and enjoy myself – it’s a whole new lease of life for me!”
Claire Jackson of Motivation said: “January is the time of year when people come to us hoping to achieve their goal of getting their weight down and keeping it there. Those who get to grips with the mental side of things by tackling willpower and motivation are the most successful at keeping their weight loss resolution.”
* Results achieved by following a tailored programme. Weight loss results may vary from person to person.