Designed for anyone unable to attend one of our clincs in-person, On The Go is the online version of our hugely successful and scientifically proven weight loss programme.
The Motivation programme is the most comprehensive weight loss programme available and will give you all the tools you need to be able to lose and maintain your weight.
Ask yourself – are you ready to lose weight for the last time? If so, take the first step on your journey to a healthy, slim you and book your professional weight loss consultant!
Get our 10-week program for just €295 – limited offer valid until April 30th!
Want to get off the dieting rollercoaster?
On The Go is ideal where:
You prefer the opportunity to tackle your weight from the comfort of your own home
You live in a location that is just too far to visit one of our clinics in person
You are ready to deal with the root cause of your weight and get off the dieting rollercoaster for good!
Our online programme includes same benefits of our in-clinic programme

Based on the health implications of not doing anything about your weight, you realise that you have to address the problem. Using a range of online tools, our mobile app and weekly one-on-one video consultation, we will help you to lose weight quickly and safely.

You can enjoy losing weight rapidly without feeling hungry or deprived. As with our in-clinic programme, you are assigned your own personal weight loss consultant who will support and guide you for the duration of the programme.

When you reach your desired weight, we will help you to maintain it by also addressing the emotional/psychological reasons behind your weight.

Besides you own personal weight loss consultant and online tools, Motivation provides a next-day delivery service throughout Ireland* for all your programme materials and supplements.
Ashley’s Weight Loss Story
Since joining the Motivation On The Go online programme, Ashley has lost over 4 stone or 26.4 kilos!
Ashley lives in Australia and avails of the same high levels of personal service and privacy as if she was meeting face-to-face here in the clinic. Ashley’s success demonstrates the effectiveness of the online programme.
Join Ashley and many other successful online clients and shift that unwanted weight once and for all.

Most of our clients say that the best gift they ever gave themselves was to take that first step and reach out to us for a friendly chat about how we could help them to reach their goal weight once and for all.
Now we would love to help you too!
Call us today at 01 2938020 and start your journey to a healthier, happier you.
*Clinical study published in The Journal of Bariatric Medicine.