Now, let’s turn our attention to BMI or Body Mass Index to give it its correct name.
Your BMI is an estimated healthy weight for your height.
If you’re 14 stone or 89 kilos and a 6ft tall man, you’re probably a healthy weight, but if you’re the same weight and much shorter than that, like a 5ft tall woman, you’re going to be overweight.
One thing is for sure, the ideal weight certainly isn’t one size fits all!
Calculating your BMI lets you know if you’re a healthy weight for your height, or if you’re over or underweight.
Doctors use it most often, to check whether they need to tell patients to gain or shift a few pounds.
The World Health Organisation outlines that a person with a BMI of 25 or above is overweight.
Figuring out what your BMI number is does not require too many calculations on your part.
A BMI calculator like ours will do all the hard work for you, and all you need to know is your current weight and height.
You type your details in, and let the calculator do the rest of the work.
Remember the BMI scale is only a guide and does not take into account if you carry a lot of muscle like a rugby or hockey player. Another good way to check if you are at a healthy weight is to take half your height in inches, your waist size should be no more than half your height in inches. For example if you are 5 foot 4 inches tall which is 64 inches, then half that means your waist should be 32 inches.
To find out your BMI click please here.
Click here for the last Making Life Safer video – Alarming Facts