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Making Life Safer Video Series

At the core of the Making Life Safer video series was an intention to try and provide insights and advice as to steps at-risk people could take to avoid complications if they were to contract Covid-19.

The Covid-19 pandemic has reignited the debate about overweight and obesity and the dangers posed to individuals that are themselves classed as overweight or obese. Covid-19, in time, and its associated challenges will pass but the challenges of overweight and obesity will prevail.

Making Life Safer is a really good selection of videos that does what is says – it will make your life safer. There are no guarantees in life or no quick fix to remedy being overweight, but this video series provides good relevant advice that you can take on board today.

You can affect change in your life that will help to improve your health and general disposition.

The Making Life Safer videos

Making Life Safer – A New Beginning

Alarming Facts

What Is A Healthy BMI?

Improving Your Immune System

Which Is Better Fast Or Slow Weight Loss

The Importance of Protein

No 1 Reason People Quit Their Diet:The Scales – Making Life Safer


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