At our recent client night, we were delighted to have 6 of our amazing clients share their successful journey with Motivation. Francis shared his successful journey in a heartwarming and witty poem which he read out to our audience, where there wasn’t a dry eye to be had.
We are very proud to share his inspiring poem with you for an inspiring Thursday.
Enjoy the wonderful uplifting read, thank you Francis.
Motivation, A poem.
By Francis
Eighty per cent of what we eat can lead to defeat, but fear not, Motivation is just the treat.
What in the world is good for me?
You see my weight and visualisations really scare me.
A photograph and a mirror are a great fear to me.
Because it all comes down to what I eat you see, who is going to come to my rescue?
An advertisement on television seemed really good to me.
The advertisement was for Motivation and here, I stand, in a Motivation clinic for all to see.
You see what I eat is really bad for me.
To Motivation on Dawson Street I do go and up the stairs I did walk very slow.
In the door did I go and behold no slogan or catch or salesperson smile greeted me.
A smiling face said Hi to me, I tried to hold in my tummy and she suggested that I should breath or else I might die.
Into the office we did go.
First, a visit to the doctor and a last fry, then to the advisors who have saved my life.
Out the scales did go, in with proteins and buckets of veg and out with bread and all my best friends – sweets, sugars, curries etc etc.
Oh my poor head?
Some French Canadian Doctor became my Banisteoir. Hence the journey begins for me.
I never liked looking at myself or my weight.
Other things bothered me but that is life you see.
If I get sick to a doctor I will go.
When I over eat and do not feel right, to Motivation I do go. Motivation is the answer for me.
My Path has been slow, because I love rewards.
When I lose weight, you see, food is my reward.
But due to Motivation I am learning clothes are more rewarding.
Motivation has become part of my life and now I actually like me, and mirrors no longer scare me.
The staff are amazing and great advice do they give me, now and then I have a slip but no more binges.
I am no poster boy but Thursdays have never been the same for me, for Thursday is my Motivation day.
You see, progress not perfection is Motivation for me.