The Importance of Protein – Making Life Safer
For weight loss to occur there has to be a calorific deficit. This causes your body to automatically use not only its fat reserves but also its muscle tissue for energy.
It’s absolutely critical that you protect your muscle mass. Your muscle mass is the weight of the muscles in your body in kilograms or pounds.
If you don’t consume enough protein you will experience muscle loss resulting in loose flabby skin, and an ever-present feeling of hunger and low levels of energy.
Your immune system will be compromised.
Let’s just go back over this again for a few seconds.
In the normal process of losing weight, your body will burn fat reserves but it will also turn to your muscles for energy.
Have you ever seen a friend or colleague that looks gaunt while they are losing weight?
This is because they are not eating enough protein to protect their muscle mass.
Did you know that your heart is a muscle so it needs to be protected when losing weight. As do other organs.
Protein is the main building block for our bodies but it is also a great agent for weight loss as it has a thermogenic effect, meaning it speeds up metabolism and that helps offset the decline in metabolic rate which occurs on most low-calorie diets.
In addition, protein has great properties that are fantastic for weight loss:
It helps satisfy our cravings for sweet or salty treats
And it is more quickly sensed by the brain than carbohydrates or fats which helps satisfy those pangs for junk foods or treats.
It is also vitally important for our bodies and having healthy bones, hair, nails and skin.
So, in the greater context of Making Life Safer consider the importance of protein as you look to lose weight and get your BMI to a number that you are happy with.
At the end of the day, it’s all about looking after number one – YOU!