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Hi, everybody and happy new year.

I’m inviting you to reflect over the last year and think about what worked for you and didn’t work for you, be that with your weight or any thing else. You can learn from what didn’t work and then bring what did work for you forward to the coming year.

So there’s a couple of questions that I would invite you to ask yourself, starting with question one –

  1. What made you most happy last year?
  2. What made you unhappy?
  3. What was the biggest lesson you learned last year?
  4. What you wish you would have done more of last year?
  5. What’s something you want to do less of in the year. Going forward?
  6. What was your biggest success. Last year?
  7. Was there a time you slipped or failed last year?
  8. What is something you want to learn in the year ahead?
  9. What is your favourite way to refuel or relax?

So good luck with those questions. Have a little think about it just, and as I say, bring forward to what worked and set new goals based on that for the new year and happy new year.



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