For millions of people, Black Friday means shop ‘til you drop at discount rates. No longer is this the trend just in USA, as now many other parts of the world including Ireland have adopted the name as an opportunity to get out and bloank some pre- Christmas bargains.
Since 2003 Black Friday has ranked as the busiest shopping day of the year, before that it was the last Saturday before Christmas which since 1993 held the number 1 spot. Black Friday is always the one after Thanksgiving, which this year falls on Friday 25th November.
At Motivation, we want to make you a pre-Christmas offer, one that will last far beyond the excitement of December 25th.
Our 15% discount is available throughout all Motivation Weight Management clinics and is applicable on Friday 25th November right through to midnight Monday 28th, also known as Cyber Monday. The discount applies to 10 and 20 week programmes so we hope you take advantage of the deal. You can start immediately and lose up to a stone before Christmas or you can wait until January and kick start your weight loss plan in the New Year.
The run up to Christmas can pose a challenging time for those trying to manage their weight, our consultants will support and guide you through it all, teaching you how to manage social situations, (check out our guide for enjoying alcohol while losing weight), get enough rest and manage your blood sugar and stress levels. Clients are amazed at their ability to shed weight in December, a stark contrast to the usual ‘pounds piling on’ scenario of past years.
So why not go for real value this Christmas, value that will definitely add life to your years and hopefully add years to your life. Why not take away the fear of gaining weight and enjoy confidence that this year you’re in control and won’t face January with more weight on board.
Do this for you, to improve yourself physically and emotionally. As Dr Larocque, the founder of Motivation says, through research “80% of overeating is due to emotions”. This is the reason our programme works, we don’t just look at what you eat and tell you what to eat instead, rather we look at your ‘WHY’.
Getting to grips with what drives you to eat certain things at certain times is the only way to guarantee lasting weight loss, otherwise it’s only a diet and learned behaviours will very quickly and subtly find their way back in.
If you want to change your life and enjoy all the benefits of lasting weight loss without feeling deprived, then avail of our Black Friday deal by contacting your local clinic now. Find your nearest clinic here.
You’ll be glad you did.