At 17 stones 11 lbs Mary O’Gorman still enjoyed her busy life, fulfilled in her career in music, her happy marriage, and two daughters. Having been overweight most of her life, she didn’t let it get in the way of doing anything.
However, part of being busy all the time meant that Mary learned to avoid dealing with her own personal issue of carrying excess weight. Avoiding mirrors and clothes shopping became the norm, it was only when necessity arose that Mary would find something to wear in the limited selection of size 22’s available. Otherwise she just wore the same outfits all the time, functionality being the only concern.
There had been attempts at dieting years prior, in fact Mary had tried Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Atkins, Juice diets and diet pills. With limited success, she found herself each time back at square one.
A turning point
While Mary had attended Motivation a few years ago and lost some weight, her 50th birthday gave her a new focus and her head was in a totally different place to where it had been the first time. With Christmas money gifts from family Mary decided to invest in herself and signed up in late January 2015. Mary had her first visit on 7th Feb, her Mum’s third anniversary. Her head space was right, and she was ready to commit fully to the programme.
Mary’s priority was health, her aim to reach a healthy weight for her height. She also wanted to learn why she over-ate so she could manage her weight and prevent relapse down the road. She found the eating plan simple to follow and quickly recognised the benefits of regularly eating protein. Most importantly Mary experienced no physical hunger as the eating plan prevented blood sugar slumps and gave consistent energy while providing complete nutrition.
Private consultations
Mary loved her weekly one to one meetings with her consultant Dagmar, who she describes as “an absolute gem.” Dagmar, she says, was vital to her success as every concern or question was fully answered and her knowledge excellent. Without a doubt Mary says “learning WHY I overate helped me to lose the weight once and for all”. In addition, Mary felt Dagmar shared her joy at every milestone and showed constant kindness, enthusiasm and genuine care throughout the journey, while sharing her contagious sense of fun. Dagmar always emphasized the positive, even when Mary was worried, and reassured her if doubt arose.
The tools
Using the motivational tools consistently and completing a daily food diary kept Mary on track and she related to case studies which helped her learn about herself and her behaviours and attitudes to food. She realised that her black and white thinking had sabotaged her past efforts as she believed she was either 100% on a diet or 100% off it. Learning the mantra “I can slip but not quit” means Mary has found middle ground and now after a slip she’s able to get straight back on track. Mindless eating, Mary realised, had been an issue, a habit that had unconsciously taken hold over the years.
Mary knew she’d changed after coming back from holiday to find out she’d lost 4 pounds, she’d had a great time and been active while being mindful about her food choices.
Bright future
Starting Motivation at 17 stones 11 pounds in February, since December Mary O’Gorman is now a a healthy weight. She looks and feels fantastic and now enjoys seeing her reflection and buying clothes. Mary loves life, her passion for singing, walking, running and swimming continues. She is as busy as ever, but can add the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and slim figure to the list which make everything easier and more enjoyable. For all the benefits, Mary says “the time and financial outlay was worth it”, describing it as “a small price to pay for the happiness I now have in myself”.
To speak to a weight loss consultant and to see how we can helo you, find your nearest clinic here.