You’ve stuck to your eating plan, set goals, used your motivational tools and have generally been really good at following your Motivation programme in recent weeks. As it stands, weight loss success is a work in progress and you’re loving it.
Now the August bank holiday weekend is ahead and you might be going to the Galway races, or you’ve got a family party, a wedding or a barbecue to attend and it is filling you with anxiety. You’re worried that you won’t be able to manage the weekend without it affecting your weight as you’ll be surrounded by temptation and may face social pressure to eat and drink.
Don’t waste time worrying, avoid any weight loss pitfalls by preparing yourself for potential party challenges. The best strategy is to try not to gain weight while still enjoying yourself. Here’s our top tips for managing your weight and controlling your eating while still enjoying summer fun.
8 Tips To Manage Weight Loss At Summer Gatherings
1) Plan Ahead
A day or two before the event, try to anticipate what kind of food will be available at it and write down a list of items you are comfortable eating to protect your weight loss efforts and how much alcohol you will consume, if any. Then when you go to the gathering you will be more aware of your limits.
2) Don’t Arrive Hungry
It is never a good idea to arrive at a social gathering hungry as you will undoubtedly eat the first thing you see or end up overeating. Before you leave the house try to eat some protein so that food isn’t the first thing on your mind when you arrive.
3) Bring Your Own
If you are worried about falling off your weight loss plan and eating something you’re unsure of at the gathering, bring a plate or two of food you know you will eat. Take something that is high in nutrition and low in calories such as vegetables and dip, or a tasty salad. Our recipe for omelette with ricotta is also perfect for a party. Your host will be delighted with your contribution and you will be more at ease.
4) Watch The Carbs
Bread of some form whether rolls, buns or sandwiches makes an appearance at most events. But instead of consuming the extra calories, eat burgers and hot dogs without the bread and fill up with salad on the side.
5) Be Treatwise
Allow yourself a treat but make sure it is absolutely worth it. Enjoy it but make sure it is part of your plan so you’re less likely to lose control.
6) Limit Alcohol
If you’re going to drink alcohol, try to sip on a glass of water at the same time. For every sip of alcohol, have two or three sips of water. This will make your drink last longer so you will consume less. Sparkling water poured into a wine glass will make you feel like you are drinking wine but without the calories.
7) Don’t Stand So Close To The Food
It is a good idea to fill up a small plate once and then mingle with people who are furthest from the spread of food. This will help reduce temptation and you’ll be less likely to go for seconds.
8) Don’t Focus On Food
You are attending a gathering, a catch up with friends and family. Don’t make it all about the food. Try to chat with as many people as possible. Be interested in them and what they have to say. By focusing on the social side of the event you’re less likely to overeat and therefore more likely to keep pace with your weight loss efforts.
If you do eat more than you plan to, maintain perspective. Learn from your experience and move forward. One day slightly off your eating plan will not ruin your weight loss efforts. But it is vital that you regain control and get back on track immediately.
To speak to a Motivation Weight Management Adviser or to book an assessment consultation, find your local clinic contact here.