It’s all about habits is the key focus of this week’s Motivate Me.
I hope this post finds you and your family safe and well? Here in the clinics, we are working away as normal; well, as normal as normal can be in these strange and challenging circumstances.
What is now our new normal is the very strict hygiene guidelines that we comply with. We sanitise everything, we use the hand disinfectant throughout the day and ensure the clinics are well ventilated. Oftentimes there is a chill but that is a good sign that we’ve fresh air circulating.
For me, they’re habits I’ve also adopted at home. We started back in March of last year and now, I do not leave or enter the house (or clinics) without a couple of drops of hand disinfectant. It’s all about habits
Good habits.
Bad habits.
New Year’s resolutions – changing bad habits for good ones.
Oftentimes we fail and that in itself is a habit. It’s not just the new year that we plan on changing aspects of our lifestyle to bring about positive change. It’s a year-round thing and for many, weight loss is top of the list.
You may recall I asked for your feedback for a New Year Resolutions survey back in December. Well, I discussed the findings with Olivia Crinion on Dublin City FM during the week.
This is an interesting interview from the point of uncertainty about weight loss and how to take the first step. Especially important as so many previous weight loss efforts have petered out.
Making New Year’s resolutions is a societal habit and so is breaking them.
Listen to the interview here. 11 minutes. Short, sharp and to the point.