The sun is shining and I have to say, I do feel so much happier. Good weather is a great pick-me-up and those good vibes are a pure joy. The going has been so tough, it’s great to get some much-needed relief.
To hamper weight loss is to impede or interrupt your weight loss efforts. The mobile phone is probably one of the most helpful, yet destructive items we have in our possession.
Just over four years ago we launched our own mobile app. It was an important milestone as it recognised the drive towards digitisation of audio and a lot of our printed materials.
What exactly do I mean by digitisation? Two short stories will illustrate this better than any business-like explanation.
A year or so before the mobile app, I was in a consultation with a client and I asked her how she was getting on listening to the specific tracks I’d recommended the previous week. Challenging she said as I have to go to my car to listen to the CD as we don’t have a CD player in the house.
Another client expressed her frustration as their CD player was in the sitting room alongside the family TV and it was just awkward to find the time alone to listen to her CD.
The opportunity to digitise the CDs and take them online was not to be missed and hey presto – the Motivation Mobile App.
Over the last four years I’ve had many requests for new features on the app and this leads me to the point of today’s email:
In the space of 25 odd years, the internet and smart phones have heralded many great improvements in how we conduct our daily routines. On the flip side, they can also be seriously addictive and destructive.
We’ve plans to augment the mobile app with other features in the future but our overriding concern is not to produce functionality that compels our clients to be constantly checking the app for updates, etc.
Death scrolling is a term I recently heard and it perfectly encapsulates what we are all guilty of; that never-ending scrolling though whenever social media platform we currently prefer.
This week’s blog post is key to you and your weight loss efforts for one key reason.
We know, and this is not any old nonsense, that sleep is critical to effective and long-lasting weight loss.
It must be said, that sleep is also critical to many other aspects of our lives as well. I’m not a sports fan but many years ago I recall listening to ex-Irish soccer star, Damien Duff talk about his training regime and how he set aside time to sleep most afternoons. Ask any elite athlete and they’ll know only too well the importance and recuperative powers of sleep.
Good sleep is not the preserve of elite athletes.
Good sleep is essential to all of us.
Smart phones, increasingly, are at the root of people with sleep disorders.
The blog post is a big hitter in that is suggests some major changes to how you interact with your own smart phone.
If you do one thing this weekend, read this blog post. The changes may seem unpalatable but at least you’ve educated yourself as to the options available to you to help improve your sleep.
Improve your sleep – don’t hamper your weight loss – etc – etc. It’s a domino effect.
Another shout out for the BBQ recipe eBook. Easily our most downloaded eBook of all time. With that sun shining, here it is again.
Last week’s Motivate Me, click here – What Two Fears Are You Born With?