Your skin is the first thing you see when you look in the mirror and the first others see when they look at you. It serves many purposes, including acting as our first defence against germs and free radicals in food and the environment, and converting sunlight to vitamin D. There are various components which contribute to the state of our skin. Genetics certainly play a part, as does smoking, sun damage and of course nutrition. Skincare has an impact too so the best thing to do is to manage your complexion from the inside and the outside. Radiant skin from within is affected by the types of things you eat and drink. What you eat can affect your hormone balance, cause acne, inflammation and ageing. Old cells are constantly shed and replaced by new ones, nutrients play a huge part in this renewal process and keeping skin supple and blemish free. The less processed the better as far as your skin is concerned, whole foods are nutrient dense which contribute to a healthy complexion. Here are a sample list of skin friendly foods which need to be eaten consistently to see the benefits.
7 foods to eat for amazing skin
Curly Kale
This dark green leafy vegetable provides high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A helping to keep skin firm. It’s one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralize the free radicals created by UV light. It contains beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A, a form of retinol. Like retinol in cosmetics the vitamin A in kale increases the rate of cell turnover and reduces dryness.
Walnuts are packed with an omega 3 called alpha-linolenic acid. Not only is this important for heart and brain health but a deficiency in this fat can exacerbate inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema. They are packed with B vitamins which help manage mood and stress. Increased stress levels can result in premature ageing of the skin so the B vitamins as well as vitamin E and anti-oxidants fight these effects.
Oily fish
Oily fish are rich in an omega 3 called DHA which is an anti-inflammatory. With skin issues like acne, psoriasis, eczema or seborrheic dermatitis, the irritation is caused by inflammation so eating oily fish can relieve symptoms. The best fish are mackerel, herring, trout, tuna or salmon.
Strawberries are full of powerful anti-oxidants and loaded with vitamin C which nourish the skin and fight off collagen destroying free radicals. They provide dietary fibre which helps in eliminating harmful toxins from our bodies which contribute to skin problems and their acidic nature can help remove excess oil from the skin.
This green, fuzzy fruit is packed with more vitamin C than most other fruits with 120% of our daily needs in just one medium kiwi. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production, a connective tissue protein which keeps skin taught and smoothes fine lines. Not only this but vitamin C also repairs the skin, healing cuts and abrasions and working to prevent rough, dry skin. Kiwis are a good source of skin friendly vitamin E and antioxidants which help delay the signs of ageing.
Eggs offer a good dose of protein but little fat. Saturated fat is associated with skin ageing so eggs are a better protein source than red meat (particularly processed meats). The amino acids are used to generate new proteins like collagen and elastin which give strength to skin tissue, while melanin helps with complexion. The vitamin A content of eggs helps cells control gene activity, a process essential for new cell development including skin cells.
Carrots can change the colour of your skin and give a healthy natural glow. They are high in in vitamin A and beta carotene, an anti-oxidant that is converted to vitamin A inside the liver. It helps to repair skin tissue and protects it against sun damage. Carrots hydrate the skin and reduce redness. Eating carrots or taking a juice will affect the complexion, within a few weeks the skin will appear more even and healthy.
For more great advice on healthy food contact your nearest clinic here.