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Hi, everybody. Welcome to our special Valentines podcast.


I was hoping to pin down my lovely husband, Paul, to do this podcast, but unfortunately he’s unavailable busy running around in the background as he always does and has done for the last 27 years, which is what helps make Motivation the success it is. So why am I calling us the Valentine’s edition. Because I have been asked to tell the story of how Motivation started, how myself and Paul met and how we share the passion in what we do. So Motivation Weight Management clinics is an Irish company and it was first established in 1995.

And it was not long before that myself and Paul had met. It was while working with his father, Dr. Declan Connolly at a previous weight loss clinic that Paul actually recognized that there’s a problem that clients were having maintaining their weight, following weight loss, and then further research on the psychology of the overweight led us both to go to north America where we attended several obesity conferences.

These actually included a lecture on mental weight, which was presented by Dr. Maurice Larocque himself. He is an expert on obesity and weight management. Paul recognized that Dr. Larocque’s unique concept, on behaviour modification program actually held the key to helping people not only reach, but more importantly, maintain their desired weight.

So having developed and perfected the successful clinic model, over a period of, I would say probably five years, we then opened the first Motivation Weight Management clinic in Dawson Street. And we now have, clinics throughout Ireland, which is great.

The most interesting lesson. I always find is, and what I’d like to share with you is this, believe and you will achieve, find your purpose and your passion. So not only do myself and Paul share our passion for each other, we share it with what we do. Back in the day, it was very hard to get a lone from the banks and Paul believed so much in the Motivation program, he actually sold his house to buy the franchise.

So guys were, I’m glad I met him. I’m delighted that I’m involved in the motivation program and able to help so many people. I absolutely love what I do. Happy Valentine’s Paul and happy Valentine’s to all our listeners. And we look forward to sharing a podcast with you soon.

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