Dublin Weight Loss Clinic5 Weight Loss Tips to Help You Stay on Track this Bank Holiday Weekend
5 Weight Loss Tips to Help You Stay on Track this Bank Holiday Weekend: We’ve rounded up five must-know points when it comes to nutrition for weight loss, to get you started. Why not use this June bank holiday weekend to put some of these ideas into practice. Staying at home can create a boredom induced hunger so getting out and about will keep you busy and you can bring your own food along to have a picnic!
We’ve rounded up five must-know points when it comes to nutrition for weight loss, to get you started. Why not use this June bank holiday weekend to put some of these ideas into practice. Staying at home can create a boredom induced hunger so getting out and about will keep you busy and you can bring your own food along to have a picnic!
There are so many fun things on around the country, especially the annual Bloom in The Park event in The Phoenix Park, Dublin this weekend. Show gardens, Irish dancing, crafts, food stalls, there’s something for the whole family. The Food Dudes healthy eating programme stand is well worth a visit for families as their initiative enables children to enjoy eating healthy diets.
North Wall Quay are hosting a festival from Saturday until Monday with ships, fancy dress and amusements while local parks, farms and National Trust estates will all be buzzing over the long weekend. So here’s the aim. Make a checklist from below and see how well you get on. Even if you eat less junk or drink more water, that’s a step in the right direction.
1. Just don’t buy junk food
We all know it’s the fatty, sugary treats that get us in the end, and this is something you just have to get strict about. If you don’t buy it, you won’t have it to eat. If you establish this in your head as an unbreakable rule, it will make achieving your weight loss goal so much easier. Junk food doesn’t leave you satisfied and full. It typically has very short lived value in your system, beyond you enjoying the taste, so it’s best to just give it a miss. Don’t waste your day’s calories on food that won’t keep you feeling full.
2. Water, water, water. And more water.
Drinking your full eight glasses a day can feel like an absolute chore, but there’s a reason people are constantly banging on about it! Water doesn’t have any magic powers to help you drop the pounds, but staying hydrated will help you avoid overeating and up your metabolic rate, meaning less calories going in and more calories being burned. Win-win!
3. Eggs for breakfast
Breakfast sets you up for the day, so even if it means hopping out of the bed five minutes earlier than normal, it’ll be worth it when it comes to the weight loss. Cooking eggs in the morning is not the ordeal you might imagine it to be.Pop a couple of eggs into cold water and bring to the boil. By the time you’re out of the shower, you’ll have two freshly boiled eggs ready to eat. Eggs are low in calories and fat, yet will keep you full until lunch. If you can’t have eggs though, make sure you are eating breakfast, period.
4. Keep eating your greens
We know you know veg is a core part of any healthy diet, and particularly green veg, but sometimes it just needs reiterating. Plenty of greens are essential when you’re trying to lose weight. It doesn’t have to just be broccoli and cabbage – there are plenty of tasty green veg options out there for you to choose from, it’s just a matter of finding the ones you love.
5. Don’t neglect good fats
It’s not all water and veg – there are good fats out there that you don’t have to avoid. In fact, you should definitely make the effort to include them. Your body needs some fats in order to function, so ruling them out entirely is counter-productive. Opt for unsaturated, rather than saturated, fats, like those found in fish, cashews, almonds, olive oil and avocado among plenty more, and you’ll be sorted. Having a small amount of good fat with each meal will keep you feeling full for longer, which is definitely to be welcomed.
Need more weight loss tips for better nutrition?
For more information about how to lose weight or for advice on nutrition, call us on 1850 30 6000 to arrange to speak to one of our local advisers. Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to keep up with all of our latest offers and weight loss advice.