Top 10 Habits To Break To Help You Lose Weight
Top 10 Habits To Break To Help You Lose Weight: Did you know that it takes 21 days to form a habit? And that is also takes 21 one days to break a bad one? It’s important to remember that small changes can make big differences, especially when you want to lose weight. Often, a few small changes to your daily food choices and habits can be just as effective to help keep the weight off. So don’t bite off more than you can chew!
1. Skipping Meals
Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner is preferred as it keeps your energy levels and hunger hormones stable. Skipping meals means you’ll only eat more later in the day. Going more than 3-4 hours without eating will make you crave high-calorie, high-fat foods that are low in nutrition.
2. Eating Out
When you are trying to lose weight at the beginning it can be difficult putting yourself in certain situations. Make your own meals at the start, instead of eating out. Studies show that people who eat out frequently are more likely to be overweight, have a greater fat and sugar intake and participate in less physical activity. It doesn’t matter if it’s fast food or a 5-star restaurant. When we eat out, we eat more food and take in more calories. However if you do have to eat, out check out our Top tips to help you stay on track when dining out.
3. Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
Make the healthy choice the easy choice. Having healthy foods easily accessible is a big part of eating right. Have a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter. Be sure to keep any treats or junk foods in less obvious places. Like the saying goes; out of sight, out of mind.
4. Turn The T.V Off
Watching television and surfing the Net are enjoyable and informative activities. However, studies show that it promotes unhealthy eating through ads, product placement and other promotions that constantly sell high-calorie, low-nutrient food and drinks. For adults, screen time is advised to be kept under 2 hours a day. Make children’s bedrooms TV and internet free and turn the TV off during meals.
5. Night-Time Snacking
Digestion is a complicated process. To keep digestions running smoothly it is important to regulate your eating, especially before going to bed. During sleep your body enters a relaxed stage. Forcing it to digest a late meal can make relaxation impossible. Experts recommend that you should refrain from eating at least 2 hours before going to bed.
6. Water For The Win!
It is recommended that we drink 4-6 glasses of water (2.5 litres) of water each day. Skip the fizzy drinks, juices and coffee and replace with a glass of plain water. This will help to cut down on the sugar and calories found in these drinks. Drinking enough water keeps you hydrated, helps with digestion, helps to keep energy levels up and improves your skin and hair condition.
7. Distracted Eating
Reading a newspaper, watching TV or texting are all distractions that take your attention away from eating. These distractions make it harder for you to tell how full you are. You may eat more than you’re really hungry for. Be aware of what you’re eating and try to minimise distractions during meal times.
8. The Cat’s Out Of The Bag
Eating directly out of the bag is a very easy way to eat several servings without realising it. A key step to help you lose weight is literally watching what you eat- being aware of what and how much you’re eating. Get a handle on portions by measuring out a serving.
9. Eating On The Run
Eating in the car, at your desk or as your running out the door. Eating on the go makes it all too easy to take in excessive calories. Fix this type of eating by sitting down to eat.
10. Grazing
Taking a peek in the fridge each time you pass by it is called ‘grazing’. Grazing is a habit that many people have carried on from their youth, when their rapid growth and activity levels required a high-calorie intake. A few nuts here, a couple of biscuits there, a glass of juice every now and then. These may not seem like much but over time they will add up. Move on to green pastures and break this habit today!