Sometimes it’s confusing to combine weight loss with dressing to suit your changing shape. Some clothes are too big and baggy, but there’s a way to go to get into the next size down. So what do you do? To motivate yourself to make good choices and keep on track it’s important to make the most of how you feel about yourself every day and here are our Top 5 Tips to help you with your look as you’re on your weight loss journey:
No outfit will look good if you’re wearing the wrong size bra or knickers that cut across the widest part of your stomach or hips. Get fitted regularly and make sure your bra has adequate support. There should be a defined gap between your boobs and tummy, they shouldn’t run into each other. Control vests streamline the torso and make your clothes sit much better. Control top tights work well under skirts and create a more flattering silhouette. The more confident you feel, the better you’ll manage day to day life and this will make weight loss more manageable.
V necks work with bigger busts and wide shoulders. Avoid pockets on blouses. If you’re carrying weight around the middle then draw the eye upwards by accessorizing the top half. Necklaces and ear-rings work well as does a silk scarf which drapes down over the middle. For the small bust, peter pan collars, busy patterns, pockets and draping are most flattering.
You wear it everyday so pay optimum attention to the style and colour. Find out if your colouring is warm or cool and colour your hair accordingly. Going too dark is unflattering, one to two shades lighter is safer. Weight loss is easier if you make positive changes along the way. A good hair day always makes you feel better and more motivated for the day ahead.
Avoid tracksuits unless exercising. The elastic waistband deceives you as it never feels tight and won’t remind you not to overdo it at dinnertime. Invest in one or two pairs of flattering trousers and 5 or 6 tops to go with them. Avoid baggy tops and bottoms, they will make you look and feel bigger than you really are.
Dressing your changing shape means getting rid of clothes that no longer fit or were unflattering to start with. Less is more. The less you have in the wardrobe the more you’ll wear it. So clear out at least 8-10 items that remind you of your heaviest days. Look forward to never wearing them again and feel positive that those days are in the past. Now think hard about where you spend your time. Smart casual works for most environments. Draw a pie chart and divide it into sections eg sport, leisure, work, dressy events. Analyse a typical week. Now invest in key pieces to match the biggest slice of pie. If your lifestyle changes, change your purchases accordingly.