Some interview and what a great story….
You may recall that we ran a competition on Sunshine radio back in 2017.
Well, the winner (Mary) went back on radio to talk about her experience with Motivation, her journey from 79kg to 61kg and how she stays on track.
It’s also worth a listen as you’ll relate to so much of Mary’s story even if you’re a current client of Motivation or perhaps considering one of our programmes.
And you’ll find yourself nodding along as she recounts her story and in particular the managing your weight aspect.
Here’s the gist of the interview:
Mary won a 20-week Motivation weight loss programme back in November 2017 when she weighed in at 79kg. Today she is at her ideal weight of 61kg and most importantly, keeping the weight off.
For Mary, as her weight reduced, one of her overarching concerns was the fear of going back to where she once was. As irrational as it sounds, she’d often wake up and think for a split second that she’d regained the weight. What was critical in dealing with this irrational thought was the support and guidance of her weight loss advisor. She reassured Mary that it was and is perfectly ok to regain a few pounds but when that happens you set a course of action of reverse and lose those few pounds. It’s all about managing your weight and Motivation equips you with the tools and understanding to do just that.
That understanding / ability is the key difference between before and now. Before, losing weight for special occasions and putting it back on was the accepted norm. Now, understanding and monitoring her weight is the norm.
Mary managers her weight by regularly attending Motivation and talking through here fears and worries and acknowledging the things she is doing well on. While in the clinic, Mary will also make plan to focus on those key areas that require attention.
Here’s one of the big takeaways from the interview:
Critical to Mary’s awakening or understanding of her weight issues was that for most people, being thin requires an effort. It doesn’t come naturally. In addition, weight gain is generally a slow process and if you put on say 2lbs or 1 kg a year, then after 5 years you’ll have put on 10lbs/5kg. It doesn’t happen fast, it’s a slow process.
For Mary, monitoring her behaviour is critical and if she is putting on weight, then she identifies what the root cause is and what she needs to change.
To listen to the interview in full, please click this link.
A big thank you to Carol Dooley at Sunshine Radio for being such an accommodating and understanding host. Recording the Managing Your Weight with Sunshine Radio interview was a fantastic experience for everyone involved.