I recently received an email looking for ideas of snacks for less than 100 calories and when I started to think about it I realised it was definitely worth sharing because whether for sweet or savoury, we all get sudden cravings from time to time. Sometimes it’s half an hour before lunch or last thing at night and knowing what to choose can be confusing. It’s important to establish if you’re really hungry or if the craving is for another reason. Consult your physiological and psychological trigger sheet from Motivation to understand WHY you want to eat so that you can learn to react positively. If you still feel hungry then choose from our list of 25 healthy snacks for less than 100 calories so that you don’t feel deprived but can enjoy a healthy low calorie option.
- ½ cup low fat cottage cheese with ¼ cup mango and ¼ cup pineapple
- 1 green apple sliced with 1 oz. mozzarella
- 1 cup grated carrot with 1 dessertspoon raisins and balsamic vinegar
- 2 slices honey roast ham dipped in balsamic glaze and wrapped in 2 lettuce leaves
- 1 medium red pepper cut into strips topped with 1 tablespoon goats cheese
- 1 cup melon balls and ½ cup low fat cottage cheese
- 1 rice cake topped with 2 teaspoons almond butter
- 8 almonds
- 8 baby carrots with 2 tablespoons hummus
- 2 baby bel light cheese with 1 sliced apple
- 10 strawberries with 1 tablespoon goats cheese
- 1 large kiwi sliced and topped with shredded coconut
- 1 cored baked apple (20 minutes at 180) topped with cinnamon
- 1 cup frozen grapes
- 1 cup raw spinach with balsamic vinegar and one cup diced watermelon
- 1 boiled egg seasoned with salt and pepper
- 2 tablespoons 0% fat Greek yoghurt, ½ banana and ice blended until smooth
- 6 oz. soya milk heated and one shot espresso
- 1 cup mixed strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and one tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice on top
- ½ cup 0 fat Greek yoghurt, 1 dessertspoon berries and teaspoon maple syrup
- 1 rice cake topped with ¼ mashed avocado, seasoned with paprika and black pepper
- 2 slices turkey rolled and dipped in honey mustard
- 22 pistachios
- ½ protein bar and ½ cup grapes
- 1 cup stewed apple sweetened with stevia and sprinkled with cinnamon.
If you have a question about nutrition or behaviour please drop me an email at c.jackson@motivation.ie. I’d also love to hear from you if you have any other suggestions of healthy snacks for less than 100 calories.