Daily Affirmations is a project that’s been simmering away for the past few months and now it’s ready for general release.
I just want to quote one part of the Positive Affirmations Assist Sheet (Assist sheets are one of the tools we use here at Motivation):
“….a positive attitude is not a guarantee of success. It is accepted though that a
negative attitude comes close to a guarantee of failure.”
For some people, it may sound like an odd thing to be asked to do – to repeat an affirmation on a regular basis throughout the day. What’s great about this is that you don’t have to lace up your boots or undertake any physical activity. It can be done anywhere: sitting, standing or lying in bed. All it requires is practice and believe me, it’s a new habit worth taking up.
The Positive Affirmations Assist Sheet is on the Mobile App and I’ve also included a link here on the Motivation website. This is an Assist sheet that’s worth 10 minutes of your time. Positive affirmations are now recognised as a very powerful and important psychological tool. Last week I wrote about the support our Olympians get. I can assure you that positive affirmations are an intrinsic component of that support.
Every day I will post a daily affirmation across all our channels. Some will resonate, some won’t and that’s ok. What’s important is that you build the positive affirmations into your daily routine. Please feel free to share them with you own circles, be it family, friends or at work.
The first affirmation in our #DailyAffirmations series is below.