Why it’s good to carry a water bottle.
Over the past two weeks we’ve been enjoying an amazing spell of incredible weather. Sunshine and warm evenings lift the spirts and have provided a much-needed relief from the stresses of the past 18 months.
However, warm weather can be a cause of fluid retention so it is important to make sure you are drinking at LEAST 2 LITRES of water every day. This might sound contradictory: I’m retaining fluids and you want me to top up! Try this approach and you’ll never think of water retention as an issue again:
When it comes to water in our bodies I like to think of a lake.
If we are not drinking enough our body holds a lake of stagnant water, think of a green murky lake like you’d see in your local park.
Instead, the water in our bodies should be more like a nice clear waterfall, with regular urination.
In order for this to happen the body should be comprised of approximately 60 per cent water. If there is not enough water in the tank and the tank is running dry, the only way to fill it is to drink at least two litres of water every day.
Heat can cause de-hydration and we lose extra fluid through perspiration etc. Even more reason to drink more water.
Why it’s good to carry a water bottle.
By carrying a water bottle, the physical act of touching the cold-water bottle is a powerful motivator to stay hydrated. This physical act is part of the kinaesthetic sensory experience.
A kinaesthetic sensory preference means that what you take in through touch, taste, smell, muscle position, and temperature perception typically registers most quickly and intensely in your brain. It gets your attention more quickly and may even require less energy to decode the data.
We know that drinking water /hydration is one of the most powerful tools to effective and long-lasting weight loss.
Make it a core habit – tool up and carry a water bottle.
Of all the health tips out there, drinking more water cannot be the hardest one. All it requires is a little planning and determination. Check out our free eBook, The Water Report here.