The 12 mental blocks that sabotage diets could be the most important blog post you read…..
Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to lose weight?
Or why, if you do lose a lot of weight, it’s so hard to keep off?
After all, chances are that you know what to eat to maintain a healthy diet. You don’t need to be told – again – that sugar is bad for you and you should fill up on vegetables.
And you also know that you need to exercise more. You might even be quite motivated to get to the gym or spend time on the treadmill. The will is there.
And yet, despite all that knowledge…….
Weight loss is still a permanent struggle.
It’s not only about appetite, either. In fact, 70% of people eat even when they’re not hungry.
The key question is, why?
It’s In Your Head, Not Your Stomach
The truth is that there is a big factor in weight loss which mostly goes unacknowledged.
It’s what goes on in your head.
As long as they are left unexamined and undealt with, you will find it hard to reach and maintain your ideal weight – no matter how good your eating plan is and how attractive your gym membership is.
The 12 Possible Stumbling Blocks – 12 Mental Blocks That Sabotage Diets
Each person’s mental blocks preventing them from losing weight are different. However, there are 12 categories of blocks that are extremely common, singularly or in combination with one another. You may identify strongly with one or several of them.
1. Out of touch with your body: If you’ve never been thin and weigh more than twice your ideal weight, you may have lost touch with your body, and simply be unaware of just how severe the issue is.
Maybe you haven’t really looked at pictures of yourself from the neck down recently. Maybe you have stopped caring for yourself – and in fact, take better care of your car or home than you do of your own body…
2. Negative associations with being thin: You may associate being thin with being sick or weak, perhaps because of first-hand experience with someone close to you who was thin for those reasons.
3. Conditioning: If you overeat, chances are there are particular triggers that spur you to eat. Consider for example whether you associate food with boredom and therefore eat whenever you’re bored.
4. Sexual blocks: Often, you may not realise that challenges with intimacy or the lack thereof are at the root of many weight problems. In your life, you may have a partner uninterested in sex or selfish in bed.
You may have been raised with sex being taboo or not spoken about. Any such reality can be one of the mental blocks stopping you from losing weight.
5. Happiness: You may be unhappy because of your weight. But in order to achieve happiness, you need to love yourself.
Happiness can come only from within, from a sense of pride and accomplishment in having attained your goals through hard work. If you don’t feel that, it can be difficult to lose weight.
6. Secondary gains: You may be suffering from an emotional problem and using weight gain as a means of seeking attention, or to compensate for a lack of assertiveness (for example).
7. Imitation: if you lack confidence and self-esteem, you may be trying to compensate for these deficiencies by modelling yourself after someone you admire.
If they are overweight, you might want to subconsciously look like them… And be afraid of deviating from their example.
8. Self-punishment: Self-punishment is a serious block. Not only can it result in obesity, but it can poison an entire life. If something has caused you to be guilt-ridden, you may be punishing yourself by overeating and making yourself unhealthy.
9. Emotional Shock: If you suffered an emotional shock at an earlier stage in your life, and dealt with it, even in part, by overeating, than chances are whenever you suffer an emotional shock, you end up reacting the same way.
10. Reaction: Reaction consists of rejecting what we feel forced to do and then doing the exact opposite to prove to ourselves that we’re fully independent and able to take care of ourselves.
If you had a parent who harassed you about your weight, you may overeat to reject how you were forced to diet as a child.
11. Fear of Failure: You may be unable to lose weight because you are afraid of experiencing a failure which would weaken your already poor self-image so you never start.
12. Fear of success: If your self-image is that of a failure, you may consider yourself incapable of succeeding and of handling the responsibilities that come with success.
Your Self-Image Is Key to Your Diet
Our actions are always determined by our self-image. We are what we think we are.
Your diet is mostly a self-fulfilling prophesy: if you think you can’t lose weight because all your past diets ended in failure, whenever you begin a new diet you’ll be convinced from the start that you won’t succeed and, inevitably, you’ll fail, no matter how good your intentions.
But there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, despite all the mental blocks along the way. You can change your own self-image.
How to Determine Which Mental Blocks Are Yours
Most people are unaware of their respective mental blocks preventing them from losing weight – so they can never deal with them.
This doesn’t have to be the case for you.
Through careful analysis, it is possible to identify your blocks.
That analysis begins by taking the Mental Weight assessment. Your Mental Weight is the measure of all the factors which are going on in your head and motivating you to eat. Each person has their own internal voice, rationalising why to overeat.
Mental Weight is in fact the weight you’re certain to reach if you continue with your current eating habits and behaviours. Say you weigh 13 stone on the scales, but upon measuring your existing behaviours and attitudes towards food, your Mental Weight score is 18.
That means you will almost certainly hit 18 stone unless you understand your personal pyscho-behavioural factors and properly deal with them.
Mental weight may seem intangible, but we have a proven, scientific method for measuring it.
Measuring your mental weight will allow you to evaluate the habits, attitudes and behaviours that are responsible for your weight gain and alter them.
Our goal is to identify and reduce your mental weight so that it represents your ideal weight. And get you to reach and maintain both.
Measure Your Mental Weight Today
Once you overcome your underlying psychological and emotional blocks and reprogramme your subconscious positively, you will find that success comes easily.
You will finally experience more self-confidence and self-esteem, more energy, feeling in control of your life, and ultimately health.
All because you’ve conquered your demons…….
Those 12 mental blocks that sabotage diets will fall by the wayside. You are in control.
Now Find Out Your Mental Weight
Now you understand why diet and exercise are not enough to keep your weight off for once and for all, it’s time to get to grips with your mental weight.
Are you ready to find out yours?
Contact us to book an assessment. It takes just a few minutes.
The results will reveal the real, underlying reasons why permanent weight loss has escaped you. And once you have those in hand, we can help you deal with them, as well as construct an individualised weight loss plan that takes your Mental Weight into account.