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5 Weight Loss Rules that are Okay to Break

By February 28, 2016September 1st, 2022No Comments

There are so many guidelines about weight loss rules that sometimes you just need to do what you feel like doing instead of feeling bound by a list of do’s and don’ts. There is no one size fits all as we’re all so different so tweaking some of the recommendations means you’re more likely to make better habits a permanent change.

There are the fundamental weight loss rules which don’t leave room for bending if you want to feel well and achieve the desired end goal but many others are there as a guide for you to break now and again.


Demonising certain foods is futile and unnecessary. No food is bad, it is our relationship with it that needs attention. Believing that you can’t have something is a sure way to kick your diet into touch when the chips are down. If there is a type of food that in the past you’ve found difficult to eat in moderation, then perhaps abstinence for three weeks is a good idea, allowing the taste receptors to change. Then, if you really feel like something, have a little, ideally when you’re not too hungry or under stress. We all have insight into our weaknesses, action that insight by avoiding temptation until you feel strong enough to control quantity intake.


Different options work better for different people. While it’s best to eat often there will be days that three larger meals works better because of where you are or what’s happening. Don’t get worried if the day can’t be broken up into three meals and three snacks. As long as the total calories and nutrient value are the same, the number of meals you eat won’t impact fat loss. The only concern is that low blood sugar levels may make it difficult not to over consume at the next meal, so managing portion control is crucial.


It makes sense that exercise accelerates the weight loss process but there are times when dragging yourself to the gym is counterproductive. If you’re getting less than six hours per night on a regular basis then you’re likely to suffer from a slower metabolism so less calories are being burned. Research shows that people who get  too little sleep gained nearly 2.5 times more abdominal fat than those who get the recommended 7 hours plus. Exercise is highly recommended but it’s important to prioritise rest as not enough shut eye leads directly to weight gain.


Willpower has its place in helping us to persevere at particular moments but it is short-lived and will let us down in the pursuit of permanent weight loss. So much more important is programming as this is the basis of all we think, say and do. How we see ourselves and the world around us is a direct result of nature and nurture as it is our parents, peers and life experiences which embed our beliefs. Getting to grips with WHY we behave in a certain way around food is the most important learning curve in managing our relationship with food for life.


The end goal should be clear in your head but the journey is as important as the outcome. Numbers play havoc with your mind so dwelling on them causes frustration. Sub goals are probably more important as long as they are behaviour changes, not pounds. The most important focus should be the formation of habits, where repetition leads to better ones carried out without thought. Sitting down to eat, drinking more water, eating more vegetables, portion control, it is habits like these that matter alongside a change of attitude that gets you to the goal, analysing only the numbers usually ends in disappointment.

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