Our Top 7 Flat Tummy Foods To Eat To Fight The Bloat!
Our Top 7 Flat Tummy Foods To Eat To Fight The Bloat!: It’s true what they say, abs really are made in the kitchen. Exercise helps of course. But did you know there are certain foods you can eat that are not only nutritionally good for you they have the added benefit of giving you a flat tummy! Amazing!
Our Top 7 Flat Tummy Foods
Similar to when you eat hot peppers, cinnamon in your body can help speed up your metabolism as it takes a little extra energy to metabolise. This boost in your metabolism will allow you to burn more calories and assists with flattening your tum.
Similar to cinnamon your body uses more energy to break down protein than carbohydrates or fat – therefor fast tracking you to your flat tummy target.
Green tea (technically not a food but it’s so good we couldn’t leave it out)
Studies have shown that drinking down two to four cups of green tea a day can increase your metabolism by four to 10 percent, thanks to a powerful antioxidant called EGCG.
Tasty and satisfying, cucumbers are great at filling you up without filling you with calories. (Read more about the amazing benefits of cucumbers here)
Legumes are among one of the most nutritious plant foods there are. They’re high in fiber and if you’re trying to flatten your mid-section, the fibre will help you with bowel movements and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
Recent years have seen an explosion of research into curcumin, an antioxidant found in turmeric. Studies have shown it has anti-inflammatory affect so it may help reduce stomach bloating.
Recent research has revealed that a certain compound found in chili peppers called capsaicin boosts your metabolism. Therefor the higher your metabolic rate, the faster you’ll burn belly fat.