We live in a culture that focuses on an abundance of choice and instant gratification. No surprise then that we are addicted to the ‘quick fix mentality’. When we refer to a quick fix, it refers to a solution that’s not chosen due to it being the best or most effective option, but, rather, because it offers the quickest, and possibly only a temporary, remedy. An example of this is the ‘three-minute abs’ phenomenon.
But this way of thinking (and acting) doesn’t actually serve us well; in fact, it often sabotages us and slows or halts our progress completely. Continually changing a strategy if things don’t work straight away is a sure way to fail. I myself used to be addicted to the latest quick fix fad diet that I’d read in the latest women’s magazine; I was always searching for the ‘magic pill’. I mistakenly believed that making one or two grand changes would do it, but then struggled to lose weight for years. What finally did work was consistent progress which eventually led to me losing over 9 kilos (21 Ibs) with the Motivation Programme.
To Avoid the Quick Fix Fad Diet – Focus on Long-Term Strategy and Consistency
New ideas about dieting and exercise crop all the time, claiming to be the latest and the greatest. They generate excitement and buzz, leaving us tempted to change our sensible, long term plans for a short term fix. But rarely do they work.
In reality, we know it’s small, incremental changes to our habits that give the results. But that isn’t sexy or exciting for marketiers or for us, as we are so programmed by advertising to get that instant fix, without putting in the hard work. It’s as if we are being programmed to hit the quick fix button. It leads us wanting to cut corners all the time, when the truth is that this mentality simply doesn’t deliver the results.
Here at Motivation, we rely on the proven, long-term strategy of changing habits – often one habit at a time. Because we know that transforming your body – and your health – doesn’t happen overnight; rather, it’s the result of hundreds of little decisions along the way.
And most effective strategies don’t pay off immediately. Stick with it for a while, and do your best to make it work, and the chances are that you’ll succeed. Don’t forget that, although you might not see the scales shift by a gigantic amount in one or two weeks, you WILL start to feel better, both physically and mentally – and that happens almost straight away.
Beware of the ‘Dieting’ Word
At Motivation, we want you to ditch the ‘dieting’ word. How many times have you said “tomorrow I’m going to go on a diet” or “I can’t eat that, I’m on a diet.” By using the word diet, you limit yourself to thinking in black and white: you’re either ‘on’ or ‘off’ your diet. But this isn’t how it works in real life.
Similarly, when you go off track, be wary of using the word ‘binge’. Instead, we prefer to call it a ‘slip’. And that’s all it is – a temporary lapse that you can recover from! We know you will slip, simply because you are human. But if you don’t catastrophise that slip – and don’t call it a ‘failure’ – then you’re much more likely to get back on the horse and cross the finishing line in the not-so-distant future.
The most successful weight loss in our clinics comes from those who have adopted the attitude that they are ON their healthy eating plan ALL of the time, but that they can ‘dim the switch’ now and again. They accept that most of the time (say roughly 80 per cent), they are sticking to their healthy eating and exercise programme, with an allowance here and there for a deviations from the plan (the remaining 20 per cent). There are two types of slips; those that happen by accident, and those that are ‘planned deviations’ from the programme. Ideally, by learning about your triggers and by managing emotions with cognitive behavioural techniques that you learn with us, then the majority of slips fall into the preferred second category.
Enjoy Every Bite!
Similarly, labelling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or having a ‘cheat day’ is not something we encourage here at Motivation. Using these labels puts unnecessary negative connotations on them, leading to guilt and, as a result, sometimes even the self-sabotaging attitude of, ‘what’s the point, I’ve ruined it anyway’. Eating and enjoying food shouldn’t be done with guilt or shame. In fact, taking pleasure and joy from the foods you eat can allow you to feel more satisfied with less food.
Just because you need or want to lose weight doesn’t mean you should feel punished or deprived. Finding a way of eating that lasts long-term is what will prevent yo-yo weight gain. Even when losing weight, there’s no need to completely cut out your favorite foods. The key is to have them in moderation, or to tailor them to become healthier (for instant, when craving crisps, I dry fry some tortilla wraps and sprinkle some paprika on top. Also delicious with hummus on the side. Deprivation: zero; satisfaction: guaranteed!
Click here to request a callback today and talk to one our our weight loss consultants about how Motivation can help you avoid the quick fix fad diet and achieve and maintain your weight loss goal, for life.