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Healthy Pumpkin Soup Recipe
 An autumn classic, perfect in a mug for fireside relaxing!

Prep time: 10 minutes.
Cooking time: 30 minutes

Ingredients (serves 4-6 people)

  1. 2kg fresh pumpkin, peeled and cut into chunks
  2. 2 medium onions chopped
  3. ½ tsp allspice
  4. 1 tsp butter


  1. Heat the butter in a large pot.
  2. Melt the onions for about 5 minutes over a medium heat, until golden.
  3. Add the pumpkin. Add enough water to the pan so the pumpkin is half covered, close the pot and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. When it’s cooked through, add the allspice and blend it into a soupusing a liquidiser or hand blender.

TIP: If you’re serving this soup for guests, add a rich swirl of cream and finely chopped chives to each serving.

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