The plan was hatched. We would host an event where clients, their friends and the wider public would be treated to an evening seminar that covered topics that would be as interesting and as relevant as possible.
Picking the marvelous Merrion Hotel as the venue, we decided to anchor the evening around a fashion piece – Be Your Best – packed full of tips on how to dress to feel good no matter what your body shape or size. We were delighted to secure the services of Marì Paduano, a fashion brand strategist with Dunnes Stores. Not only that, but Dunnes Stores agreed to dress our models on the evening.
We weren’t disappointed. Marì gave super advice on how best to dress for individual body types and what impressed most was the beautiful range of clothes on offer from Dunnse Stores. With four models on show, Marì was able to demonstrate how off-the-peg clothes could be bought and most importantly, worn with style and panache.
Thanks to Sharon Malone, Susan Barber, Aisling Grimley and our own Aisling Connolly for modelling on the evening.
Below, there is Aisling Connolly (third from left) with red dress (Edit Red tailored dress €119, Red Sandal €79.99 by Cinders). To the left of Aisling is Aisling Grimley who is wearing jeans by Costello €70 and navy Shirt €25 and grey boots €30 by Dunnes.
Our second group of models were also suitably dressed to impress. Susan Barber (far left) wears a Drape Bomber top €40 by Gallery and Black pull on trousers €25 by Gallery, Black Boots by Dunnes €30; Sharon Malone wears an Edit Red knotted dress €59 and black shoes by Dunnes.
Not forgetting our other speakers on the evening.
Aisling Grimley spoke from her experience about gently building self-confidence and how to set and stick to achievable goals in 2017. Aisling’s experiences and search for information relevant to her age, led her to found My Second Spring three years ago. The key focus of My Second Spring is to support and inspire women to make the most of the second half of life.
Closing the evening was Motivation’s own Claire Jackson. Claire was a weight loss consultant with Motivation for close on 10 years and in that time amassed a wealth of insights in to weight loss and weight loss issues in general. Claire provided some context to show how a few simple changes to your diet can make a huge change to your health, waist line and well being.
A big shout out to our the sponsors of our Be Your Best spot prizes:
– Dinner for four in The Farm Restaurant
– A beautiful piece of jewellery by @vivienwalsh
– Overnight for two at Kilronan Castle with some tender loving care at their renowned Spa.
– A deluxe manicure and hot towel and shave at The Grooming Rooms
Thanks finally to our clients, their friends and those of you that came along for a great evening.
Be Your Best and we’ll see you again soon.