The Irish Independent published an article on September 10th ‘Protein insight may lead to better diabetes control‘ to report on new research from Trinity College scientists. Again, one of the leading national papers has missed the opportunity to educate and inform its readers and the wider public-at-large of the real issues with Type 2 diabetes. Instead, readers are led into a maze that leaves them lost and ill-informed
As scientists around the world, and not only in Trinity College, busy themselves looking for a cure for Type 2, perhaps the editor’s desk at the Irish Independent would be better served following these guidelines for all future articles on Type 2 diabetes.
- Never refer to Type 2 as a common condition. Common it surely is (in fact it’s an epidemic), but by so naming it as such it makes it sound normal; it’s not. Type 2 should always be referred to as ‘Type 2 diabetes is a preventable lifestyle condition that causes the level of sugar glucose in the blood to become too high.’ Moreover, all articles should remind readers that Type 2 is a new name for what was once Adult Onset diabetes but so many teenagers and children have increasingly presented themselves with this condition in the past 30 odd years that the name had to be changed so as serve as a catchall. The rise in Type 2 levels runs a near-parallel to the wholesale adoption of sugar as a key food ingredient in the latter half of the 20th century. Type 2 is a preventable disease.
- Never use diabetes on its own in a sentence in an article such as this as this may lead to confusion between Type 1 and Type 2. They are poles apart. The article reports that, “The insight may be another important step in developing new treatments for diabetes.” Repeat three times, Type 2 is a preventable disease and should not be confused with Type 1 which is an auto-immune condition. Even the title is misleading, ‘Protein insight may lead to better diabetes control.’
- The article states that ‘Some 854,165 adults over 40 in the State are at increased risk of developing diabetes or already have the disease.’ This is factually incorrect. This aspect of the Healthy Ireland survey relates specifically to Type 2.
Type 2 is a preventable disease
First, know what you are dealing with, its origins and the dangers it poses to you and to your family. Secondly, what steps can you take to avoid contracting Type 2 and if you do, how can you manage your lifestyle so as to get back on track. We are justifiably proud of our track record here at Motivation in helping clients to come off their prescribed medications and reverse Type 2.
- Part 1 – What is type 2 diabetes?
- Part 2 – How To Manage Type 2 Diabetes
We are facing significant financial (and emotional) costs down the road as the true costs of dealing with Type 2 manifest themselves in every aspect of our society: from making every building and vehicle wheelchair accessible such will be the rise in Type 2 amputees, the staggering cost that the HSE will have to bear in treating chronically ill Type 2 patients, and the lowly tax payer (most of us), who will have to shoulder the financial burden.
The real tragedy is that type 2 is a preventable disease. It’s a direct result of lifestyle choices. Leading national publications have a moral duty to avoid complacency when it comes to reporting on what many medical practitioners class as an epidemic. The responsibility is to take readers on an educated and signposted journey and not into a maze of confusion and ignorance. That serves no one’s cause least of all your readers.
Download our free report ‘Type II Diabetes: Are You (Or A loved One) At Risk?‘, an informative and educational run through of the risks of contracting type 2 dibetes and the steps you can take to avoid it.