The keto diet with protein is best for weight loss and weight management.
The next time someone tells you that they are going gangbusters on their keto diet, just politely ask them, “that’s interesting, what type of keto diet are you on?”
“I’m on the keto diet, there’s only one!”
The truth of the matter is that there are four well-defined variations of the keto diet and the one you select for managing your weight is not the high fat keto diet that most people inadvertently follow.
Athletes, like the cyclists in the Tour de France will sometimes use high fat keto diet to give them more energy while on their long 200-kilometre daily races but the main goal is not to lose weight; they use is as a source of energy and to maintain a normal weight.
For regular people, the best kind of keto diet is the keto diet with protein, a diet with enough protein so that you don’t lose muscle.
The keto diet with protein also helps keep you fuller for longer so you don’t feel hungry or deprived.
Remember, the keto diet with protein is best for weight loss and weight management.
Click below to find out more about the high protein keto diet.