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Broccoli Stuffed Chicken

Meal Info

Serves: 4

Time: 35 mins

Food Plan Info


Free Veg: 2

Fat: 1

This tasty broccoli stuffed chicken recipe is a family favourite and the vegetables used can be varied.

Check through the list of alternative free vegetables in the Motivation Food Plan book or on the website.

The recipe uses 3½ servings of protein leaving you with 3½ servings for the rest of the day.

If you have a carbohydrate serving left you could serve it with a jacket potato or savoury rice.


  • 4 medium chicken breasts (150g – each)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1½ tsp garlic powder divided
  • ¼ tsp paprika
  • 100g of finely chopped broccoli florets
  • 50g of diced red bell peppers
  • 50g of mild cheddar cheese
  • 2 tbsp low fat mayo
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil (or use 1 Cal spray)


  1. Season both sides of the chicken fillets with salt and pepper, paprika and ½ the garlic powder.
  2. Use a sharp knife to cut a slice in the middle of the chicken fillets (not all the way through).
  3. For the filling place the broccoli florets in a microwaveable bowl and add 2 tablespoons of water. Cover with plastic wrap and microwave for 1 minute. Drain any excess water.
  4. To the dish, add the bell pepper, cheese, mayo, garlic powder and salt and pepper. Mix until combined well.
  5. Divide the mixture between the 4 chicken breasts, using a toothpick to secure if necessary.
  6. Preheat a skillet/large pan over medium heat and add the olive oil. Sear the chicken fillets for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  7. Then cover with foil and bake in a preheated oven for 15-17 minutes.

Download your copy of the broccoli stuffed chicken recipe here.

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