If ever a (cook) book was worth buying for the introduction alone, then look no further than Dr. Paula Gilvarry’s Doctor on a Diet cookbook.
Dr. Gilvarry lost 5 stone / 31 kilogrammes and in the process reversed a whole basket of medical ailments. One that stands out is that she now has fully functioning coronary arteries. Prior to that she was on beta blockers and blood thinners as well as other medications. Her heart problems were a major cause for concern and as she herself says, “blood clots can form in the heart chambers, and if the fibrillation continues the clots can break loose and travel to the brain, causing a stroke.”
The way that the story unfolds is incredible and there is no doubt that many readers will identify with some of the challenges Dr. Gilvarry faced. That’s what makes the introduction so compelling – the stark reality of it and how it’s holding a mirror up to the entire country.
You can read the introduction by clicking on the Look Inside button. Check it out here.
From Motivation Weight Management’s point of view, we are both proud and delighted that Dr. Gilvary signed up and is following one of our weight management programmes. She references two critical aspects of our programme in the introduction that we’d like to emphasize:
1. CBT – or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. As we’ve always said, anyone can lose weight on a diet plan but for the vast majority of people, the weight is piled back on. Dr. Gilvarry is clear, “Diets don’t work.”
Here at Motivation we address the underlying causes of why you overeat and what are the behavioral challenges and bad habits that are affecting you.
This is one of the critical aspects that we work on – using CBT to help you change your attitudes towards food so that you are able to reach your target weight but most importantly, to keep that weight off for life.
2. Keeping a Food Diary. Every one of our clients is given a food diary. It’s small and neat and easy to carry around with you. A recent study of 1,700 overweight men and women who joined a six-month weight loss programme found that those who kept daily food records lost – wait for this – twice as much weight as those who kept no records. Check out our blog post on keeping a food diary here.
Dr. Gilvarry mentions her food diary. The results speak for themselves.
But Doctor on a Diet is a cookbook, what about the recipes? The recipes are a joy to behold. They are a fantastic collection of recipes that every person reading this should embrace. For Motivation clients, please pay particular attention to your allowances and cook the recipes accordingly.
We’ve got our own collection of recipes in Deliciously Healthy but Doctor on a Diet is well worth considering as an early Christmas present to yourself. It’s such a good cookbook that it would be welcome in any household.
Click here to buy a copy or two.